Zombie Sims is a joint project from Simslice.com (Steve Alvey) & SimFreaks.com (Heather Castillo-Alvey).

During what felt like our own apocalypse, we thought the Sims (original) could use an update. As long-time CC creators for The Sims, we have created a new set of rules for them to live by. Enter the Zombie Apocalypse!

The Zombie Sims Expansion took over a year to develop and we could have just kept going and going. The ideas were endless. We finally managed to stop ourselves, so we could share our creation.

The zombies were the most difficult part of the project, but we also put some extensive time into creating the environment the might occur during an apocalypse. Homeschooling children was important, as we didn’t imagine a school bus would be showing up during these dark times. Steve was able to find a way to block the school bus from arriving during the apocalypse, which was no easy feat.. He also managed to find a way to keep it useful for non-apocalypse homeschooling too.

A little mystery was added and clues to what may have created the zombies in the first place. Many NPCs were added as service people, helpers, and added ambiance.

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