Introducing Slice City 2.0—a whole new gameplay experience. An extraordinary amount of new files are included—76 new files, making more than 120 plus files! Every preexisting file has been updated or replaced, including all previous add-ons. Two core control objects, a modern City Plaza and a Power Plant, work in conjunction with each other. Watch as citizens fight crime, put out fires, or interact with your Sims for the first time. Various vehicles, including little horses, roam the lot for various purposes. Numerous new features and disasters (e.g. Bugzilla) are included, along with surprises.

As in SliceCity Original, citizens continue to live, play, work, and generate profit for your Sims. They utilize businesses, homes, and venues, which cost Sims § to maintain. Beyond the city environment, Sims can now develop rural farmlands, industrial zones, or suburban areas. The expanded Seaport and Air & Spaceport bring imports, exports, and new citizens in a variety of vessels. Additionally, the Space Rocket attracts alien colonists. Also unique files such as Tiny City allow Slice City citizens to play their own mini-city, benefiting Sims as well.

Alien Dwellings by SimBabe | Seaport Industries
City Plaza (Control Object) | Water Vessels
Many more details are included with the download, and in-game via convenient “Info” buttons on every object. Or, simply download it and dive in. As before, all you need to start is the Power Plant (Buy Mode > Decorative §100). Like ZombieSims, this custom content expansion pack contains a vast amount of interactive material.
I hope you enjoy it! – Steve (SimSlice)

Parks | Baseball Field
City Hall | Eateries | Recycling Plant
Fire Station | School | Courthouse | Police Station | Jail
Church | Museum | Hospital l & More

Landmarks | AuntB’s Drive-In | Playground & More (See Above)

Rocket Launcher | Power Plant | Businesses
Recycling Plant | Air Traffic Control Tower | Helipad | Runways
Pollution Manufacturing Plant
Helter Smelter Hazardous Waste Recycling Plant & More