NPCs for Podiums

  • NPCs for Podiums

    School Lectern Podium now has two (2) new NPCs. Guests can now pay a stipend after class allowing Sims to earn income homeschooling neighboring students. The Pulpit Podium now has a spiritual leader NPC who can be hired to deliver a sermon (and hang around a bit afterwards). All denominations possible, from spiritual to cultist.…

  • Makeshift Grill

    New Download Grilling is now a Fun, Social event. Made from objects around the yard, this makeshift grill is a preppers dream. Serves 5 different kinds of the most filling, long-lasting group meals in the game: Filet Mignon, Burger & Fries, Grilled Cheese, Grilled Veggies, and “Mystery Meat”. Gain Cooking and Fun Skills while you…

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