Installer Updated for Legacy Users

  • Installer Updated for Legacy Users

    With the exciting release of The Sims Legacy Collection (or 25th Birthday Bundle), we have updated our installer so that Zombie Sims can be installed and played for Sims 1 Legacy users too.

  • NPCs for Podiums

    School Lectern Podium now has two (2) new NPCs. Guests can now pay a stipend after class allowing Sims to earn income homeschooling neighboring students. The Pulpit Podium now has a spiritual leader NPC who can be hired to deliver a sermon (and hang around a bit afterwards). All denominations possible, from spiritual to cultist.…

  • QuestMaster NPC

    Run fun and challenging quests while running for your lives! Contact QuestMaster Janar (via Ham Radio) to receive a quest token and her instructions. Then perform any variety of tasks such as feeding the masses, looting from others, confessing your sins, or whatever else this questionable “Master” suddenly decides to put you through. Why? To…

  • Simply Scraps House

    Live off the grid in this make-shift shelter with your new family of lone survivors. House is expandable as your compound grows. Zombie-proof doors shield bedroom and Safe Room, plus escape route for added security. SimSlice’s favorite survival basics are included. Now available on the House Download Page

  • Scraps Family

    After the Studio Town Massacre, where Blake rescued little orphaned Annie, they fought their way through Simsville until they came across a mysterious lone stranger who offered them shelter in her compound, but will that come with a price? Now available on the Houses Download Page

  • Makeshift Grill

    New Download Grilling is now a Fun, Social event. Made from objects around the yard, this makeshift grill is a preppers dream. Serves 5 different kinds of the most filling, long-lasting group meals in the game: Filet Mignon, Burger & Fries, Grilled Cheese, Grilled Veggies, and “Mystery Meat”. Gain Cooking and Fun Skills while you…

  • Zombie Sims Arrive

    Zombies are taking over Sim City. Sim Lane is in danger! Sims, warn your neighbors and band together to fight the Zombie Apocalypse. What is happening? Is it radiation? A virus? Aliens? The Rapture? Reports are sporadic, so keep your Ham Radio on at all times for communications, alerts, events and tips. Theories and eye-witness…

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