Tag: objects

  • Retro Appliances

    Retro Appliances

    Designed to match your existing appliances in The Sims 2. I didn’t just recolor these by changing the color, I actually went in and edited the material properties so they would match perfectly with no extra shine or dullness that some recolors may have.

  • Slice City 2.0

    Slice City 2.0

    Introducing Slice City 2.0—a whole new gameplay experience. An extraordinary amount of new files are included—76 new files, making more than 120 plus files! Every preexisting file has been updated or replaced, including all previous add-ons. Two core control objects, a modern City Plaza and a Power Plant, work in conjunction with each other. Watch…

  • NPCs for Podiums

    NPCs for Podiums

    School Lectern Podium now has two (2) new NPCs. Guests can now pay a stipend after class allowing Sims to earn income homeschooling neighboring students. The Pulpit Podium now has a spiritual leader NPC who can be hired to deliver a sermon (and hang around a bit afterwards). All denominations possible, from spiritual to cultist.…

  • NPC: Cursed Johnny

    NPC: Cursed Johnny

    Cursed Johnny doesn’t cause any problems because he has too many of his own. Despite his many entertaining curses, including lightning strikes or his own personal rain cloud, he will otherwise socialize and enjoy activities as a friendly visitor. He can be found in Buy Mode like an object (Decorative > Sculptures for §68). Place…

  • New NPC: Smart Roach King

    New NPC: Smart Roach King

    As before, the green Smart Roaches survived the apocalypse and evolved. They still improve Room score and gain Logic by eating unwanted debris (waste, spills, weeds, etc.). Now when their Logic is maxed, an evolved NPC may rise up to greet you. NPC can summon lesser-evolved Smart Roaches around your lot to dine on unwanted…

  • Bike Thief NPC

    Bike Thief NPC

    Stop Thief!

  • QuestMaster NPC

    QuestMaster NPC

    Run fun and challenging quests while running for your lives! Contact QuestMaster Janar (via Ham Radio) to receive a quest token and her instructions. Then perform any variety of tasks such as feeding the masses, looting from others, confessing your sins, or whatever else this questionable “Master” suddenly decides to put you through. Why? To…

  • Conspiracy Theorist NPC

    Conspiracy Theorist NPC

    After a grueling day of fending off the undead, the yard might resemble a horror show. Even the Haunted Pirate Butler can only do so much! But worry not—help is on the way! Meet “M,”…

  • Sarcophagus


    An intricately carved tomb, but I wouldn’t be caught dead inside it. Blessed by Anubis, this lovely encased mummy is almost a dream… but it could be a nightmare for some. Many believe ancient spirits may still control this relic. Work on translating the carvings correctly and reveal its true nature, and a new insight…

  • Paint ‘n’ Hang Easel

    Paint ‘n’ Hang Easel

    Sell your finished paintings as usual, or frame them and hang them on your own wall. Additionally, children can build Creativity skills just like adults. A built-in Stats checker shows how your Sim’s talent ranks among others on the lot. Four (4) custom paintings included. Room scores of paintings can vary, and all values appreciate…

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